physically active pregnancy
Here you can consult the characteristics of the project currently under development “Physically active pregnancy”, developed by the Polytechnic University of Madrid-INEF in collaboration with these health centers in Spain. By clicking here you can contact us for more information.
general characteristics
- Obstetric and physiological data collected by obstetrics and gynecology staff, during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.
- Data collected in the form of questionnaires through the application used (REDCap), during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.
- Parameters about the physical activity developed during the pregnancy period (in both study groups).
In favor of the quality of the study, it is suggested that the pregnancy and the postpartum process take place in the same health center where they began.
In case of non-compliance with any of the following requirements, the possibility of exclusion from the research study will be assessed. Depending on the study group, other requirements must be met.
- Being over 18 years. Not present absolute and/or relative contraindications for exercising during pregnancy (consult the gynecology and obstetrics team of the health center). Gestational age not greater than 16 weeks of pregnancy at the time of inclusion.
- Regularly attend obstetric consultations scheduled by the medical staff.
- Respond as soon as possible to the questionnaires sent during the research project (it is advisable to check the SPAM folder). The usual questionnaires will be sent: at the time of entry to the project, at weeks 28, 34 and 37 of gestation, and in the postpartum period periodically until the first year of age.
- Once having been randomly assigned to the corresponding study group, group changes will not be allowed.
Control group considerations
In this study group, the intervention of our physical activity program during pregnancy will not be performed. It can be done freely and independently.
- During the project, information will be sent on various topics that influence pregnancy.
- Responses to the questionnaires sent during the project are required as soon as possible.
- Being part of a regulated exercise or physical activity program that is not part of this study may lead to exclusion from the study.
- By belonging to a study group, the possibility of changing the group will be ruled out.
intervention group considerations
In this study group, the intervention of our physical activity program during pregnancy will be carried out.
- The intervention will consist of 3 weekly sessions (having to meet 80% attendance), having the following possibilities: online sessions via Zoom, Mondays at 18:00, Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and Fridays at 11:00 a.m.; face-to-face sessions on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. at the London Sports Complex in Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid), on Wednesdays at 11:00 in Municipal Sports Complex in Leganés (Madrid) and on Thursdays at 18:00 in Huerta de los Frailes Health Centre of Severo Ochoa Hospital in Leganés (Madrid). Each weekend, a form will be sent out to record weekly attendance. You can only do one session per day.
- The answers to the questionnaires sent during the project are required.
- The necessary materials for each session, as well as the access links to the Zoom session (sent the same day of the session), will be provided through WhatsApp. As possible materials we will use: Fitball, elastic bands (open and closed, with resistance adaptable to your characteristics), dumbbells of 1-2 KG, mat and/or balls that can be caught with one hand (for example tennis, racquetball, etc. .).
- By belonging to a study group, the possibility of changing the group will be ruled out.
- Being part of a regulated exercise or physical activity program that is not part of this study may lead to exclusion from the study.
informed consent and other characteristics of the project
Regardless of the study group, in order to enter the project you will have to fill out and sign an informed consent (here is an example NOT VALID TO SUBMIT). Both the data related to informed consent and those collected during the project will be treated anonymously.
- In order to increase the quality of the project, we ask you to please contact us in case of abandonment of the study, temporary absence for justified reasons from the sessions, when the moment of delivery arrives, or any other matter of interest (such as failures in the questionnaire mailings).
- The involvement in the project is totally decisive for our research. To do this, we need active participation in both study groups (either answering the questionnaires as soon as possible, or in the case of the intervention group, carrying out the sessions of our program on a regular basis, with a minimum of 80% attendance).
- So far, our research has focused on developing a supervised exercise program during pregnancy. We also assess postnatal parameters, however, we currently do not carry out an exercise program after delivery.
- You can contact us if you have any questions during your participation in the project. However, we ask you to respect the attention schedule established for this. Please read carefully all the information contained on this website.
collaborating health centers
C/ Martín Fierro, 7
28040, Madrid (Spain)
Monday-Friday: 10:00 – 14:00/17:00 – 20:00
Weekends and holidays: Unattended.